Well it's been a crazy, busy couple of weeks, so I apologise for the lack of blogging that I promised. So this is what's been happening.On Easter Sunday we had my parents visiting and we decided to go out for some food. Unfortuantley the next day Elise and Charlie started being sick and cue the most horrendous sickness bug I have ever had to deal with! Thankfully it was short lived for them but then rich got it! He was not so lucky.
After a few days of being sick, him and Elise started to get crippling stomach pains that required trips to out of hours doctors and phone calls to our gp, all declaring it to be muscle spasms. In between all this I was having to go to work and rich just about mustered up the energy to look after the kids for the 3 days I needed to work. He went on like this for days and then the sickness came back along with the awful cramps.
After calling 111 and seeing a gp they feared it was his appendix. So at 9 in the evening we had to bundle the kids in the car and take him to the hospital where they kept him overnight to run tests. Thankfully everything was ok and it was just the last part of the bug. By some miracle I didn't and haven't still (touch wood) caught this dreaded sickness bug. If any of you are suffering with it or have suffered with this but my heart goes or to you. It's not nice.
I was so rushed off my feet I ate two dinners in 10 days and didn't get more than 4 hours of sleep a night, and with working in between and bleaching just about every floor and surface in my house to prevent this bug from spreading, I was one tired mummy! So there was no time to even brush my hair let alone write my blog :(
But now the chaos has died down and everyone is pretty much back to normal, I've hidden myself away upstairs with some chocolate and a cup of tea to catch up with some blogging.
I wanted to commit to certain to days, but with my life getting busier all the time and now my new job...which is fab! I will talk more about it in another post, but they are very accommodating and let me work around my family so my days can change from week to week. So, I will post at least once or twice a week and will try to keep it to Mondays and then a mid week post!
Before I end this rambling post, I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to read and leave comments. It really does mean a lot to me and to know that people are enjoying what I write.
Thank you
Tasha xxx
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