With your first you have so much more time to give them your undivided attention, and your second just seems to slot Into family life. I remember with Elise I was so eager for her to sit, crawl, walk and talk and with Charlie, I wanted to keep him a tiny baby for as long as possible. One day he was laying there and the next he was rolling over and trying to crawl.
Now he is a happy and cheeky one year old with five teeth (6th cutting at the moment) taken his first steps, waving,pointing, clapping his hands and saying muma and dada.
We celebrated his birthday by having two little party's. As we moved a couple of years ago we had a little gathering where we live with friends and one back home with family and more friends. He was thoroughly spoilt and got just about everything a one year old boy could want from mega bloks, puzzles,cars to a trike!
As sad as I am to see him turning one, I am looking forward to watching him grow and learn new things. All mummy's think their children are wonderful and clever and rightly so! We should be proud of our little ones and I couldn't be more proud of my little Charlie (and his big sister too of course) and all the things he has achieved in his first year of life.
Thank you for reading!
Tasha xxx
If you would like to read my pregnancy and birth story with Charlie here it is...
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